Great Day at The Youth Market!We have just got back from the first Llandrindod Youth Market! It was a big success, we sold out of cakes and gave out many flyers about our discos! We hope to do more Youth Markets in the future! 11231219_862523733784453_4536654667772392223_o12573857_1507825642852453_3576135757119718146_n12592731_1507829492852068_8818669654839522186_n1661452_1507825912852426_4536426169487291379_n
We have just got back from the first Llandrindod Youth Market! It was a big success, we sold out of cakes and gave out many flyers about our discos! We hope to do more Youth Markets in the future! 11231219_862523733784453_4536654667772392223_o12573857_1507825642852453_3576135757119718146_n12592731_1507829492852068_8818669654839522186_n1661452_1507825912852426_4536426169487291379_n